The Home of the West Vincent Township Republican Committee. We work in West Vincent Township and Chester County, Pennsylvania Politics and Elections to promote Republicans and Republican beliefs.
West Vincent GOP
Representing you to the Republican Party
West Vincent township elections, West Vincent Township voting
Meet Your Committee People
Dedicated to promoting West Vincent Township Republicans, the West Vincent Township Elections and supporting the West Vincent Township Voter.
District 2 (Fire Hall Voting Polls)
Jeff Goldberg

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Goldberg and I am the Republican Party Committeeman for West Vincent Township – 2. I became a committeemen a few years after moving to West Vincent for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is so I could make a real difference in terms of the quality of Republicans we have running for local and county government.
It has been my observation over the years and speaking nationally, that the “major” elections attract the largest number of voters. By “major” I am referring to presidential, gubernatorial, plus the House and Senate while township and county elections turn out far less. This is unfortunate since it is the township and county office holders who have more of a direct effect on people’s daily lives than those in Harrisburg or Washington, D.C. I am happy to say this is not the case in West Vincent Township. Some of the largest turnouts have been for local offices such as township supervisor. I am happy to see this and am to be the face of the Republican Party in my section of the township.
By way of background, I was born and raised in New Jersey and immigrated to Pennsylvania eleven years ago and have never looked back. I am extremely happy to be living in a state where one is treated like a citizen and not a subject.
Missy Bertolami
Melissa “Missy” Bertolami is a 4th term Committeewoman in West Vincent District 2 (for those that vote at the Ludwigs Corner Fire Hall). She is also the Area 2 Republican Chairwoman. She has been a resident of West Vincent Township since 1995 when she and her husband, Mike, bought and renovated a West Vincent historic home. They have been married for over 20 years and have 3 children that attend school in the OJR School District. During the last 12 years her children have attended school, Missy has volunteered extensively in their classrooms. She was a member of the OJR Parent Teacher Association and a lifelong Republican.
Being a Republican Committee woman is something that is very important to her. The Republican Party needs Committee people to act as a liaison between the voter and the Republican Party. This is how the Republican Party knows what its voters consider important issues. Committee people are the ones that vote to endorse specific candidates and they do so by listening to the voters. The Committee people of a party are the very foundation of the political process. They are your voice to the party that best represents the voter’s views.
For more than a decade, the residents of West Vincent never received information on the Republican candidates before Election Day. That all changed after she was elected. While she is only responsible for campaign literature getting delivered in District 2, the Republican Party allowed her to deliver into District 1 (held by David Brown and Susan Miller) after it was discovered that no literature was distributed in that area.